Idioms – E

Err on the side of

To err on the side of something is to display more rather than less of that quality.

He is clever enough to understand that it is wise to err on the side of caution.

Be etched in

When something is etched in your mind, it is a memory that will not fade away.

That scene will be forever etched in my memory.

Even as

Even as means at the very same time as

Even if – despite the possibility that

Even if you offer me 1 billion dollars, I will not betray my country.

Even so – nevertheless

It is true that the British did some good in India – even so, colonialism is basically bad.

Even though – in spite of the fact that

Even though I had a headache, I enjoyed the movie.

Make an example of

To make an example of someone is to punish them as a warning to other people.

Make an exhibition of yourself

To make an exhibition of yourself is to behave very foolishly in public.

Explain yourself

To explain yourself is to justify your motives or behavior.

Explain something away

To explain something away is to make something less embarrassing by giving an excuse for it.

Be all eyes

When you are all eyes, you are watching something keenly.

Have an eye for something

When you have an eye for something, you are able to recognize and judge something wisely.
Idioms – E | widia muliadi | 5

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