Replace a phrase with a word

Each sentence given below has an underlined part. Replace that underlined part with a word that expresses the same idea and rewrite the sentence.

1. Even after the teacher entered the classroom, the boys went on playing.

2. He is in debt because of his habit of spending money wastefully.

3. The celebrations went on for a whole month.

4. His uncle is a famous designer of buildings.

5. The drunkard abused people without discrimination.

6. He spent most of his life abroad as one sent out of his country.

7. The country is passing through a critical phase.

8. Bacon’s essays are full of terse, witty, pointed statements.

9. If you lose your good name, it is not easy to get it back.

10. There was no famine in our country during the last twenty years.

11. The Mona Lisa is the best among the works of Leonardo da Vinci.

12. My friend had the special right or advantage of visiting England as the official guest of the Queen.


1. Even after the teacher entered the classroom, the boys continued playing.

2. He is in debt because of his extravagance.

3. The celebrations lasted / continued for a whole month.

4. His uncle is a famous architect.

5. The drunkard abused people indiscriminately.

6. He spent most of his life abroad as an exile.

7. The country is passing through a crisis.

8. Bacon’s essays are full of epigrams.

9. If you lose your reputation, it is not easy to get it back.

10. There was no famine in our country during the last two decades.

11. The Mona Lisa is the masterpiece of Leonardo da Vinci.

12. My friend had the privilege of visiting England as the official guest of the Queen.
Replace a phrase with a word | widia muliadi | 5

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