The adverb too

Too is an adverb. It is used before adjectives without nouns and before adverbs.

    I arrived too late.
    You are too generous.

Too and too much

Too much cannot be used before adverbs and adjectives without nouns.

    She is too fat. (NOT She is too much fat.)

Too with other determiners

Too is not normally used before adjective + noun.

    I could not lift the bag because it was too heavy. (NOT I could not lift the too heavy bag.)
    I could not solve the problem – it was too difficult. (NOT I could not solve the too difficult problem.)

Structures with too

An infinitive can be used after too + adjective / adverb.

    It is too hot to go out.
    He is too old to work.

If the infinitive has its own subject, it is usually introduced by for.

    It is too early for the shops to be open.

Note that object pronouns are not normally used after the infinitive in this structure.

    The tea is too hot to drink. (NOT The tea is too hot to drink it.)

Note that object pronouns can be used in structures with for.

    The tea is too hot for us to drink. OR The tea is too hot for us to drink it.

Too and very

Too is different from very. Too has a negative meaning. It means ‘more than enough’ or ‘more than is wanted’.

    She is very beautiful. (NOT She is too beautiful.)
    He is very intelligent. (NOT He is too intelligent.)


In informal English, too is sometimes used to mean ‘very’.

    That was too kind of you. (= That was very kind of you.)
The adverb too | widia muliadi | 5

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