Adverb clauses of result and concession

Adverb clauses of result or consequence are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions that, so…that, so that and such…that.

    The famine was so severe that thousands perished.
    They fought so bravely that the enemy fled.
    He is such a good man that all respect him.
    He spoke in such a low voice that few people could hear him.

That is often omitted.

    She was so weak that she could hardly stand. OR She was so weak she could hardly stand.
    It was so hot we didn’t go out. OR It was so hot that we didn’t go out.

Adverb clauses of concession

Adverb clauses of concession are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions though, although, even though, while, whereas and even if.

    Though I am poor I am honest.
    I will be able to get in although I have no ticket.
    Even if it rains I will come.
    The men managed to survive even though they were three days without water.
    John is very popular among his friends, whereas his brother is a reclusive.

As is sometimes used in the sense of though.

    Young as he is he occupies an important position in the firm. (= Though he is young, he occupies an important position in the firm.)
Adverb clauses of result and concession | widia muliadi | 5

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