Adverb clauses of cause or reason

Adverb clauses of cause or reason are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions because, as, since and that.

    I sing because I like singing.
    He thinks he can get anything because he is rich.
    Since he has apologized we will take no further action against him.
    As he was not there I left a message with his mother.
    I am glad that you have come.
    My parents were disappointed that I didn’t get the scholarship.
    He was furious that his book was panned by most reviewers.


The conjunction that is often omitted.

    I am glad you like it. OR I am glad that you like it.
    They were disappointed you weren’t in. OR They were disappointed that you weren’t in.

As and since are used when the reason is already known to the listener.

    As it is raining again we will have to cancel the match.

As and since-clauses are relatively formal. In an informal style, the same idea can be expressed with so.

    It is raining again, so we will have to cancel the match.

Because-clauses are used to give information which isn’t already known to the reader or listener.

    Because he had not paid the bill, his electricity was cut off.

Note that a because-clause can stand alone. As and since-clauses cannot be used like this.

    ‘Why are you looking at her like that?’ ‘Because she smiled at me.’ (NOT As she smiled at me.) (NOT Since she smiled at me.)
Adverb clauses of cause or reason | widia muliadi | 5

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